Every day millions of ordinary citizens encounter government and large public services – not just as a faceless monolith but in the form of living human encounters.
Can the individuals who are delivering these encounters do so in a positive spirit of service and contributions? This means: Can the service providers recognize that each encounter is an opportunity to contribute and make the life of an ordinary citizen, and therefore the world – a better place.
This kind of change cannot be brought about through customer service programs or behavioral interventions alone.
This kind of change, in order to be sustainable, demands that we put into place a contributor ethic into large customer facing systems.
Put another way, there is a need to consciously create a culture of ‘enlightened collectivism’ in our public institutions and service systems.
Illumine has developed several large-scale precision knowledge interventions for improving human touch and responsiveness in day-to-day interactions. To know more, schedule a call with us.